

Чемпионат России

Кубок России


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Special regulations
For any event to be nominated as a level rating race under the IOR or ILC 40 Class Rule, it is mandatory to comply with the ORC Special Regulations Governing Offshore Racing
For the world championships these rules have the status of sailing instructions and shall be compulsory For national and other events the authority concerned must state on the sailing instructions that these are to be obeyed. They are issued separately and may be amended from time to time by the ORC
Categories of Special Regulations
The categories to be used shall be as follows:
Two Ton |
Category 2 |
ILC 40 |
Category 2 |
One Ton |
Category 2 |
Three-Quarter Ton |
Category 3 |
Half Ton |
Category 3* |
Quarter Ton |
Category 3* |
Mini Ton |
Category 4 |
* When Category 3 applies, liferaft and VHF radio are mandatory
For races other than world championships, the category shall be decided by the organising club but it is recommended that the above categories are used
Yacht characteristics
not applicable to ILC 40 Class
- Interior Dimensions
- The interior dimensions of the level rating classes are required to meet certain criteria The dimensions are defined below and the dimensional values of each class are given in the table in 13.2
- For yachts with an Age or Series Date (whichever is the earlier) of 1/1986 or later:
- An area of cabin sole shall be defined as having the following characteristics:
It shall have a flat surface free of obstructions, which shall be continuous except that it may be divided once in any transverse station by an engine, engine box, keelson, shaft tunnel or centreboard trunk. For yachts with an Age or Series Date (whichever is the earlier) of 1/1990 or later — where, in any section, there exists qualifying headroom which is divided once by an obstruction as permitted above, the vertical height of the underside of the deck above a fair horizontal projection of the adjacent cabin sole through the obstruction shall not be less than the minimum qualifying headroom (H) for the class. The area occupied by the obstruction, however, shall not be included in the calculation of qualifying area for a) ii) below.
Throughout this area of cabin sole, headroom (H) as defined in (b) below shall be greater or equal to the minimum qualifying headroom (MH) found from the table in 13.2.
In any transverse station there shall be a minimum continuous width of at least half MW.
- To meet the interior dimensions requirement:
The area of cabin sole defined above shall have an area greater than or equal to the minimum area (MA) found from the table in 13.2.
It shall have a continuous length fore and aft greater than or equal to the minimum fore and aft length (MLC) found from the table in 13.2.
In at least one transverse station there shall be a width greater than or equal to the minimum width (MW) found from the table in 13.2. This may be divided once — see i) above.
- Headroom. Headroom (H) is defined as the vertical height from the cabin sole to the underside of the deck. (Deck beams and deck stringers may be excluded from the measurement). To qualify as headroom for the purposes of a) above, there must be no obstruction in the vertical from the deck to the cabin sole, for example, companionway steps or platform.
NOTE: For yachts of Age or Series Date (whichever is the earlier) of I/ 91 or later, the qualifying headroom (H) must be found abaft the after face of the main mast.
NOTE: For yachts with an Age or Series Date (whichever is the earlier) of 12/1985 or earlier:
- The cabin sole is defined as surface free of obstruction designed to be suitable for the crew to stand upon. This cabin sole shall have an area (A) over which there is the required headroom(H) as defined in b) below. If any obstruction, e.g. an engine or engine box, shaft tunnel, keelson, floor frame or cockpit sole, within the qualifying area of the cabin sole reduces the required headroom, the area of such obstruction will not count towards area (A) and the extra area must be found elsewhere.
- Headroom. Headroom (H) is defined as the vertical height from the cabin sole to the underside of the deck. (Deck beams and deck stringers may be excluded from the measurement). To qualify as headroom for the purposes of a) above, there must be no obstruction in the vertical from the deck to the cabin sole.
- The length of the cabin sole (LC) shall be defined as a continuous length fore and aft over which it is possible to lay a cord on the level of the cabin sole having the required headroom, except in the way of masts and bulkheads.
- The width (W) shall be the maximum width having the required headroom (H) measured across the cabin sole in any transverse section or the sum of two widths measured across the cabin sole at any transverse section but separated by an obstruction having less than the required headroom (H).
- Minimum Qualifying Dimensions
Area A |
Length LC |
Width W |
Headroom H |
nr |
ft² |
M |
ft |
in |
ft |
m |
ft |
One and Two Ton |
1.5 |
16.140 |
1.8 |
5′11″ |
0.45 |
1′5¾″ |
1.83 |
6′0″ |
Three-quarter Ton |
1.3 |
13.988 |
1.8 |
5′11″ |
0.40 |
1′3¾″ |
1.75 |
5′9″ |
HalfTon |
0.5 |
5.380 |
1.2 |
3′11¼″ |
0.35 |
1′1¾″ |
1.70 |
57″ |
Quarter Ton |
0.4 |
4.304 |
1.2 |
3′nw |
0.35 |
1′l¾″ |
1.30 |
4′3″ |
Mini Ton |
0.4 |
4.304 |
1.2 |
3′11¼″ |
0.35 |
1′1¾″ |
1.24 |
4′1¼″ |
For Mini-Tonners, sitting area shall total a minimum of 0.5 sq. metres (5.38 sq. ft.) with a minimum height of 0.75 metres (2′5″) above the seat.
- Fresh Water Capacity
- Minimum capacities shall be:
Two Ton |
150 litres |
One Ton |
150 litres |
Three-Quarter Ton |
75 litres |
HalfTon |
50 litres |
Quarter Ton |
35 litres |
Mini Ton |
20 litres |
Race Committees at an event may limit the quantities of liquids permitted on board whilst racing.
- Bunks
- Permanent bunks with mattresses shall be not less than:
Two Ton |
8 |
One Ton |
6 |
Three-Quarter Ton |
4 |
Half Ton |
3 |
Quarter Ton |
2 |
Mini Ton |
2 |
The above bunks and mattresses shall be of a minimum thickness of 50 mm and where the mattress is built into the bunk the same thickness shall be maintained. The bunks and mattresses shall be of not less than the following dimensions:
1.9 metres long, 0.55 metres wide at one end, 0.35 metres wide at the other end.
- Chart Table
- All yachts shall be provided with a flat area suitable for chart work.
- Gimbaled stove
- All yachts shall be fined with a securely installed or gimbaled stove, which shall comply with the following:
- Mini Tonners and Quarter Tonners — a minimum of 1 burner
- Half Tonners and above — a minimum of 2 burners
- Inboard engine installation
- Inboard engine installation shall meet standards accepted in the country of registry and shall be such that the engine, when running, can be securely covered, and that the exhaust and fuel supply systems are securely installed and adequately protected from the effects of heavy weather. (Also ORC Special Regulation 5.3).
- Maximum Beam — Mini Tonners
- For all Mini Tonners there shall be a maximum beam limit of 2.5 metres (8′2″).
- Yachts built prior to July 1, 1975
- These rules regarding yacht characteristics shall apply to all yachts built after July 1, 1975.
Yachts built prior to July 1, 1975 or series-built yachts the first of which was built prior to July 1, 1975, may claim the right to conform to the rules of the Cercle de la Voile de Paris, the Societe des Regates Rochelaises, the International 8-Metre Cruiser-Racer and the 1973 Rules of the Level Rating Classes of the IOR as was appropriate.
Sailing rules
The following sailing instructions shall apply during international races:
Sail letters and numbers allotted by a national authority shall be carried on the mainsail and the spinnaker in accordance with IYRR B3. Every headsail of which the LP measurement is equal or exceeds 1.3 times the measurement of J shall show at least the number. The sail number of the size shown on the mainsail shall be displayed by alternative means if none of the numbered sails is set.
- Electronic Aids, Radio Transmission and Reception
- For all classes except Mini Tonners, any electronic aid may be used.
- For Mini Tonners no electronic aid other than the following shall be used:
- Depth Sounder
- Radio receiver
- Radio direction finder to obtain a bearing indication either by an aural minimum method, or by a meter provided to monitor the carrier level, or both; automatic or self-seeking direction finders shall not be permitted.
- Speedometer and log.
- Hand held portable electric calculator.
- For all classes
Radio transmitter may be used only for private business or for emergency purposes or for Race Reporting if specified in Sailing Instructions.
Prearranged radio transmissions for the use of individual competitors are prohibited and cellular telephones are not allowed to be carried on board while racing.
Automatic, mechanical and wind vane devices for steering shall be prohibited.
- Use of any Engine or Power Pump
- An engine or power pump shall not be used except for charging batteries, pumping bilges or supplying power for weighing anchor.
- If an engine is used to recover a man overboard, to render assistance or in any other grave emergency, full details shall be reported to the International Jury.
- Hauling Out
- Once a series has started, yachts shall not be hauled out except for the purpose of repairing damages and after written permission has been obtained from the International Jury.
Cleaning or polishing of the hull below the waterline when hauled out shall not be permitted from the start of the first race to the completion of the last race of the series.
Rudders shall not be removed from the water during the series nor the centreboards removed from their cases.
- Sails
- All sails to be used in the series shall:
have been measured and stamped by an ORC measurer, fully certified for all IOR and/or ILC 40 measurements, and be inspected at a pre-race inspection.
At the pre-race inspection all the sails to be used in the series shall be checked against each yacht's certificate, measured and stamped with a stamp specially made for the event, and listed in an inventory.
Two mainsails are allowed with the option to race with either throughout the series, but one mainsail only shall be carried aboard while racing. Each mainsail shall comply with the yacht's measurement certificate. Both mainsails shall be capable of being reefed at least 15% of P. All other sails shall be carried on board (while racing).
The sail inventory shall be signed by the owner, charterer or borrower of the yacht and shall be in accordance with IOR 895 or ILC 40 Class Rule, as appropriate and ORC Special Regulations 10.21 according to the category of the event (see Green Book 12.2). Where the rating value is changed by the application of the Age Factor (AF) referred to in Green Book 4, the number of sails permitted (IOR 895) shall be that of the rating limits of the class and not of the rating as printed on the certificate.
Sails damaged during the series may be repaired, but cannot be replaced.
Sails which are to be repaired off the yacht shall be checked before and after by an official of the event.
- Masts and Spars
- When masts and spars are damaged or broken they may be repaired and/or replaced once subject to inspection before and after repairs or replacement. Repairs and/or replacement shall only be allowed in the case of «bona fide» damage. In case of a mast replacement, the rig shall be measured and the yacht shall be remeasured afloat, as required by the IOR. A new valid certificate shall be submitted before the end of the series, as provided by IYRR 19.3.
The Offshore Racing Council, including its committees and representatives, has provided these rules and recommendations in the interest of yachtsmen, but on the understanding that it cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience arising from its policies and rulings.
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